CARNEVAL Consortium
Characterization And Removal of Near-surface Effects of Value for Applications in Land seismics
The CARNEVAL consortium research is focusing on characterizing the near-surface zone, understanding its impact on land exploration seismic data, and deriving novel techniques to remove or correct for the near-surface effect on seismic-reflection data.
Due to its complexity and heterogeneity, the Earth’s near-surface zone (upper 10’s – 100’s of m) has a significant impact on seismic data recorded on the land surface or the seabed. This includes signal distortions caused by irregular time delays, scattering and absorption in the near-surface zone (and consequent loss of high frequency information), generation of coherent surface-related noise (e.g., ground roll, guided waves), and signal amplitude and phase changes due to rapid lateral near-surface variations. Furthermore, near-surface properties and their effects on exploration-scale seismic data vary significantly between different areas of the world (e.g., karstified rocks, desert areas, thick glacial sediments, permafrost, seabed). Being able to remove or correct for the distortions caused by the near-surface zone is clearly a goal of the highest priority to the exploration-seismic industry. Yet, the near-surface zone is often only poorly characterized and understood.
Futher information
News appeared on the Energy Science Center (ESC) website: Polishing the lens for sharp images of the subsurface – Improving seismic exploration of natural resources.
Related images

Laying out a receiver array (Jan 2017)

shows the Galperin source (Sept 2016)

Rhone Glacier/Switzerland (Sept 2015)

Rhone Glacier/Switzerland. Installation of a rotational sensor (Sept 2015)

campaign in Northern Switzerland (Feb 2015)

Related publications
Manukyan E., H. Maurer, and A. Nuber, 2017, Improvements to elastic full waveform inversion using cross-gradient constraints, Geophysics, in press.
Nuber A., E. Manukyan and H. Maurer, 2017, Optimizing measurement geometry for seismic near-surface full waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 210, 1909-1921.
Maurer H., E. Manukyan, and A. Nuber, October 2017, A few methodological improvements for making shallow elastic full waveform inversions feasible, ICEG2017, Al Ain, UAE.
Schmelzbach, C., M. Häusler, D. Sollberger, C. Van Renterghem and J. O. A. Robertsson (2017), Spa- tial wavefield gradient data in seismic exploration, submitted to EAGE/DGG Workshop on Fibre Optics Technology in Geophysics.
Nuber A., E. Manukyan and H. Maurer, 2016, Ground topography effects on near-surface elastic full waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 207, 67-71.
Sollberger, D., C. Schmelzbach, C. Van Renterghem, J. O. A. Robertsson and S. A. Greenhalgh (2016), Single-component elastic wavefield separation at the free surface using source- and receiver-side gradi- ents, 86th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, doi: 10.1190/segam2016- 13842637.1 .
Van Renterghem, C., C. Schmelzbach and J. Robertsson (2016), Wavefield separation of multi- component land seismic data using spatial wavefield gradients, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201601357.
Jordi, C., C. Schmelzbach, and S. A. Greenhalgh (2016), Frequency-dependent traveltime tomography using fat rays: application to near-surface seismic imaging, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 131, 202–213, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.06.002.
Manukyan E., H. Maurer, and A. Nuber, June 2015, Towards robust acoustic full waveform inversion, EAGE 2015, Madrid, Spain
Maurer H., E. Manukyan, A. Nuber and S.A. Greenhalgh, June 2015, Seismic full waveform inversion for characterizing near-surface structures – potential problems and solutions, EAGE 2015, Madrid, Spain
Maurer H., E. Manukyan and A. Nuber, May 2015, Some improvements of seismic waveform inversion technologies, Applied Inverse Problems 2015, Helsinki, Finland.
Nuber A., E. Manukyan and H. Maurer, 2015, Enhancement of near-surface elastic full waveform inversion results in regions of low sensitivities, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 122, 192-201.
Schmelzbach, C., C. Jordi, D. Sollberger, J. Doetsch, M. Kaufmann, W. Y. Meijer, E. Manukyan, J. Robertsson, H. Maurer, S. A. Greenhalgh and H. Horstmeyer (2015), Understanding the impact of karst on seismic wave propagation: a multi-method geophysical study, 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201413546.
Manukyan E., H. Maurer, A. Nuber and R.G. Pratt, September 2014, Combined inversion of seismic waveforms and traveltimes for acoustic waves, EAGE Near Surface 2014, Athens, Greece.
Nuber A., E. Manukyan and H. Maurer, April 2014, Strategies to enhance the model update in regions of weak sensitivities for use in full waveform inversion, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Schmelzbach, C., F. Reiser, D. Sollberger, L. Rabenstein, H. Horstmeyer, E. Sutter, H. Maurer, J. O. A. Robertsson and S. A. Greenhalgh (2014), Multi-method geophysical imaging of a Quaternary valley in northern Switzerland, 84th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2083–2087, doi: 10.1190/segam2014-0691.1.