Doctoral students
Kathrin Behnen

The goal of Kathi's PhD project is to enhance our comprehension of seismic wave propagation in anisotropic rocks. The analysis of anisotropy at various scales (centimeters to hectometers) will help to understand the controlling mechanisms in igneous rocks for a more detailed characterization of the rock volume. She is part of the BedrettoLab Team, collecting data using active seismic methods within the Bedretto Tunnel.
Daniel Escallon Botero
Mahmoud Eltayieb

Mahmoud, is part of the EASYGO-ITN project. His research focuses on the feasibility and optimization of joint seismic and controlled-source electromagnetic monitoring techniques for geothermal reservoirs. The overaching goal is to enhance the efficiency of geothermal energy production, paving the way for sustainable and more effective energy solutions.
Laura Gabriel

Laura wants to fundamentally advance the understanding of large water volumes (so-called water pockets) contained inside Alpine glaciers. She will combine surface nuclear magnetic resonance and ground-penetrating radar surveys to identify and explore potential water pockets in the field. Her project is a collaboration between the glaciology group at ETH and EEG.
Tjeerd Kiers

Tjeerd is working on the characterization and monitoring of landslides using various seismic techniques. Within his project, a large seismic network including 1'000 nodes and several kilometers of Distributed Acoustic Sensing cable were installed at one of the largest active landslides in the Alps. The goal is to obtain a better in-depth understanding of landslide dynamics and improve monitoring strategies for unstable slopes.
Arnaud Mercier

Arnaud is working on fast and cost-effective imaging of the shallow sub-surface with geophysical waveform methods. He is particularly interested in establishing data acquisition schemes that offer optimized benefit/cost ratios, reducing the computational cost of full-waveform inversion, and extending joint inversion algorithms for waveform methods.
Andrea Balza Morales

Andrea is currently working on geometry-based inversion using an implicit potential-field interpolation approach reservoir models with low parametrizations within the scope of the EASYGO-ITN project. During her research stay at ETH Zurich, she conducted rigorous processing and inversion of ERT and seismic data originating from the Mont Terri Underground Laboratory.
Jonas Müller

Jonas is currently delving into the world of immersive boundary conditions. Engaging in these experiments at the Center for Immersive Wave Experimentation in Dübendorf, Jonas is exploring how these boundary conditions enable seamless interaction between the physical lab space and the digital realm, allowing waves to gracefully traverse from the real world to the virtual, and back again.
Christophe Ogier

Christophe works on the formation and the rupture of water pockets in Alpine glaciers using GPR.
Davide Piciucco

To reconstruct the properties of the near-surface zone of a planet, many closely spaced three-component sensors need to be placed on the ground. Davide aims at designing a material that can measure the derivatives of the seismic waves to considerably reduce the number of required sensors. This would lead to an efficient seismic imaging solution, particularly suitable for space exploration.
Simone Probst

Simone is working on wave equation inversion using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). Her work includes the development of theory and methodology as well as lab experiments and fieldwork testing different configurations.
Ning Ren

Ning is working on mathematical methods for data analysis.
Franziska Riegger

Franziska is working on signal processing within the LISA project. The objective is to develop global data analysis techniques which are not only capable of detecting single gravitational wave incidents but also to estimate the physical parameters of the wave’s source from the data.
Miriam Schwarz

Miriam is working on seismic imaging and monitoring techniques using active seismic data from the underground BedrettoLab. She focuses on seismic crosshole tomography methods to image the intact host rock and seismic monitoring techniques to track the pressure propagation during hydraulic stimulation. Miriam's research aims to better understand the coupled processes between changes in the subsurface and induced seismicity.
Hagen Söding

Hagen is working on geophysical imaging and monitoring techniques in the scope of the EASYGO-ITN project, focussing on safety and efficiency of geothermal applications. He is investigating the use of full waveform information to monitor the evolution of CO2 plumes for carbon capture and storage and future CO2 plume geothermal applications.
Stefan Strub
Selvican Türkdogan